Winter Solstice
Today's piece was kindly sponsored by Jo May, in memory of her late sister, on the occasion of what would have been her 50th birthday.
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I’ve written this piece for a young man who became very fond of another of my tunes, Ants in Your Pants. I’ve tried to create a similar vibe whilst making it even more challenging. I hope you enjoy your mission, Ross!
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Absolutely love this! Smiled all the way through. I’m sure young Ross will love it too!
Glad you enjoyed!
Hi Martin, I’m having lots of fun learning and playing my new tune. I’ve listened to it many times and this morning I decided to notch up the playback speed on the youtube settings… HIlarious!!
Thank you so much,
Hi Ross, glad to hear you’re enjoying the Mission! I didn’t know you could change the speed on Youtube – but then I am old! Hope you continue to enjoy it.